Local number for your business

Get a local number from any US city and set up your professional phone system with customized greetings and menus in English and Spanish. Offer a professional phone experience without complications or high costs.


RapidTel is the ultimate solution for small businesses looking to establish a professional telephone presence in the U.S. Our platform allows users to set up their virtual phone system in a matter of minutes.

Local Numbers

Instantly activate local US numbers from any city.

Custom Greetings

Create personalized greetings that reflect your brand's personality. Our advanced text-to-speech technology ensures a natural, professional sound every time.

Custom Call Menus

Deliver a professional and efficient phone experience without technical complications or excessive costs.


Never Miss a Message. Convert voicemails to text automatically. Quickly scan and respond to messages, even in noisy environments or during meetings.

Call Routing

Direct calls to the right person or department effortlessly. Set up complex routing rules without revealing personal numbers, maintaining privacy and professionalism.

Multi-Language Support

Connect with more customers using our system in English and Spanish. Customize greetings and menus in both languages to expand your business reach.

RapidTel in action

Watch a 5-minute video showcasing the key features and capabilities of our product.

  • Create an account
  • Getting a local number
  • Personalize greetings
  • Create a call menu
  • Call menu options and routing
  • Calling the new number

Who's Using RapidTel


Johnny A

Arias Electronics LLC

RapidTel allows me to separate business and personal calls without a second phone. The customizable call menu makes my small business look professional and helps customers get information faster.


Sailen L

SayMila Store

RapidTel stands out from other services by making everything so simple. What really impressed me is their basic plan - it's perfect for small businesses just starting out.


Future Customer

Future Company

Have you experienced the RapidTel difference? We'd love to hear about it! Share your RapidTel story and it could be featured right here. Your experience might just inspire the next small business owner to take their communication to the next level.


Future Customer

Future Company

Have you experienced the RapidTel difference? We'd love to hear about it! Share your RapidTel story and it could be featured right here. Your experience might just inspire the next small business owner to take their communication to the next level.





For personal use or small businesses looking to have a local phone presence in the US.

Local phone number (1)

Call minutes (500)

Call routing (1)




For businesses looking to have a local phone presence in the US.

Local phone number (1)

Call minutes (1,200)

Call routing (2)




For businesses with high call volumes and high-value projects.

Local phone number (2)

Unlimited call minutes

Unlimited call routing

Priority Support

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